Overview about Solar Marques de Oliveira

The house

flor em metal

My great-grandfather started the building in the end of the 19th century. Several improvements as been added through the century. It started as a small ground floor only house, with a side shop. On the outside wall we still can find grills to park the cargo animals, the “burritos”. Later was added the second floor with rooms, and 1 toilet, l after improved it with 3 more toilets in 3 of the rooms. Later 1 more on the ground floor, now counting as much as 5 toilets. The large games room was a smoke room and before a local shop. Outside the main house there's 2 large garages, 1 covered and the other open air. Now there is 3 large living rooms interlocked: dining room, the large windowed room with a large fire place, and the tower above the others, nice for a kids lounge. In the private garden there is a former swimming pool redy to be re-activeted. In the ouside atelier we can view up to 30 miles around 180º. The former stables are now a barbeque

chão em calçada portuguesa sino campainha

The garden


Every morning we are waked up by the birds that share is home with us. The inclosed garden protected by the “L” shaped building is luxuriant and and full of light. The surrounding walls make a very private garden with an old Swimming pool, now deactivated, but that can be easely reactivated. In the 1st floor lounge we can see from the garden to the valley up to 20 miles away, and in the tower balcony we can see Fatima at 30 miles away across the valley.

From the garden we can go up to a external atelier up in the 1st floor, full of 300º of windowing light

jardim e casa

Outside parking

annexe, garage

Outside the house there are 2 parking's: one covered for up to 4 cars, and a bigger one, now uncovered, that was a former ware-house.